Digital Marketing for Recruitment

For ambitious recruitment agencies looking to grow


Elevating your website for success

Your best-in-class recruitment website is just the first step on the road to digital joy.

Most agency owners launch their new site and breathe a sigh of relief - "Thank God that's over, so now I can get back to my day job"...
Actually, this is when the hard work begins. It's roll your sleeves up time as we look to optimise your site and create traffic systems.
Talk to us today to find out how we can get you started on your own path to success.

Agency worker
Planning digital marketing campaigns


Digital Marketing for Recruitment Agencies

Strategy & Research

We start by planning your digital campaign to assess your strengths and build upon them - fast. Looking at what opportunities you have to go and dominate your market.


Solving the
problem of
marketing for

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SEO and Local SEO

Building traffic via organic search campaigns to attract your prospects and candidates. And, keep them coming back for more. 

CRO & Continuous Improvement

CRO is about working consistently on steady improvements to increase your conversion rate over time. 
This is what sets your site apart from the competition. 

Content Marketing

Creating regular, quality thought-leadership is important, to stay on top of your rankings and to elevate your website and brand authority. 

Marketing Automation

Nurturing candidates and prospects over time, to lead with value and consistently get them back to engage with your website. 

Sales Funnels

Our speciality at Addictivity - working with you to craft unique conversion tools to generate opportunities from your website and marketing

Marketing Communications

We work with you to elevate everything you do from a coms perspective. It's time to take your agency to the next-level and grow your recruitment brand. 

Case Study

4,019% monthly ROI with Zitko

Join some of the UK's biggest recruitment brands who use Addictivity

  • Red Global Logo
  • The Recruitment Network Logo
  • BPS Logo
  • Recruitment & Employment Confederation Logo
  • Gattaca Logo
  • Vincere Logo
  • Buchanan Logo
  • Cobalt Logo
  • Streamline Logo
  • Concept Logo
  • Amida Logo


Digital Marketing for Recruitment Agencies

Navigating the digital marketing landscape can feel overwhelming, especially when your focus is on running a successful recruitment agency. 
At Addictivity, we leverage over 25 years of digital expertise to deliver marketing strategies that not only elevate your brand but also drive measurable results.
Digital marketing isn't just about getting your name out there—it's about crafting a strategy that attracts the right candidates and clients, converting visitors into leads, and continuously improving your online presence.


The cornerstone of any successful digital marketing campaign is a solid strategy. We begin by diving deep into your agency's unique needs, goals, and challenges. Through our discovery process, we get to know what makes your agency tick. 
We understand your target audiences—both clients and candidates—and what drives their decisions. With this insight, we craft a bespoke digital marketing plan tailored to your specific objectives.

SEO and Local SEO

To ensure your agency stands out in a crowded marketplace, we optimise your website for search engines. Our comprehensive SEO and local SEO services enhance your visibility, helping you rank higher for relevant keywords. 
This means when potential clients and candidates search for recruitment services, your agency is one of the first they see. From on-page optimisation to local citations, we cover all aspects to boost your online presence.

Concept website

CRO and Continuous Improvement

A high-ranking website is just the beginning. Our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) services focus on turning your site visitors into actionable leads. 
By analysing user behaviour and testing different elements, we fine-tune your site to improve the user experience and maximize conversions. But we don’t stop there—continuous improvement is our mantra. We regularly review and update your strategy to ensure sustained success and growth.

Content Marketing

Content is the heart of your digital marketing efforts. Our content marketing services are designed to establish your agency as an industry authority. We create and distribute valuable, relevant content that attracts, engages, and retains your target audience. 
From blog posts and whitepapers to social media updates and email newsletters, we ensure your content resonates and drives engagement.

Our Agency Accelerator

Marketing Automation

Efficiency and effectiveness go hand in hand with our marketing automation services. Automation also allows us to deliver personalised messages at scale, nurturing leads through your sales funnel and keeping potential candidates and clients engaged.

Sales Funnels

We specialise in designing custom sales funnels that guide your audience from initial awareness to final decision. 
By mapping out the buyer’s journey, we create targeted campaigns that move prospects through the funnel stages. Our goal is to maximize conversions at every touchpoint, turning interest into action and prospects into loyal clients.

Marketing Communications

Clear, compelling communication is essential for any successful marketing strategy. Our marketing communications services encompass everything from brand messaging and PR to internal communications and social media management. We ensure your messaging is consistent, on-brand, and aligned with your overall marketing goals.

Let's Elevate Your Digital Marketing

At Addictivity, we don’t just set and forget. Our approach is dynamic, adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape to keep your agency ahead of the curve. We’re committed to transparency, providing you with clear metrics and ROI from our efforts.
If you're ready to transform your digital marketing and drive real results for your recruitment agency, let's jump on a call. Together, we can create a strategy that not only meets but exceeds your goals.

Struggling to know where to start with your recruitment marketing?

You need a Recruitment Marketing Roadmap™ to succeed and grow your agency in 2024 and beyond.
Take this 2-minute survey and you'll receive a customised game plan to help you grow your recruitment business...

Recruitment Marketing Roadmap


Aaron George

Managing Director, Amida

James Baker

CEO, Buchanan Group

Samantah Du Toit

Head of Marketing, RED Global

George Zitko

Managing Director, Zitko Group

Sarah Fowke

Marketing Director, Driver Require

Disruptive mobile website

Let's talk

Schedule a call so we can discover more about you and your recruitment company. 

Recwired logo
The Recruitment Network logo
Vincere logo
Members Only logo