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3 min read | 2 min watchRetargeting | Remarketing | Video | Vlog
3 min read | 2 min watch | Marketing automation | Video | Vlog
Why NOW is the Time to Embrace Retargeting in Your Recruitment Agency
The different phases of remarketing for recruitment
The different phases of remarketing for recruitment
It might seem like the recruitment process is pretty straightforward: you advertise a job, candidates apply, and then someone gets hired.
But, in actual fact, there are a few steps that often get overlooked.
A survey by CareerBuilder found that, on average, job seekers use 16 different resources before they make a solid decision about a job. These include things like job boards, search engines, corporate career sites, and social media.
As well as the resources job seekers use, CareerBuilder found that there were at least three phases in the job hunting process: orientation, consideration, and action.
Each of these stages requires a different technique for attracting the right candidates and, because of its many different features and targeting abilities, remarketing is the perfect method for tackling each stage.
The 3 Phases of Recruitment and How Remarketing Ties In
1. Orientation
The orientation stage is when you start exposing potential candidates to your jobs and putting yourself on their radar.
During this phase, you ideally want to be attracting people who are actively looking for jobs, as your ROI will come much quicker, but you can also simply put yourself in front of people who might be looking for work in the near future.
What Do Jobseekers Do During This Phase?
As this is essentially the “research” stage of the job seeking process, candidates will be spending lots of time on search engines, looking up specific keywords and finding potential relevant jobs that way.
How to Implement Remarketing During the Orientation Stage
Remarketing is pretty simple during the orientation stage.
Here, you want to be serving ads via Google’s ad network, which means your ads will show up on various relevant sites around the web.
Think about it this way: say there’s a candidate searching for a web development position. They might go to Google, type in “web development jobs” and be directed to a few relevant pages via Google.
If you’re remarketing via Google’s ad network, your ad will then show up on these relevant sites and, because they’re so targeted to your ideal job candidate, the clickthrough rate will be higher than if it wasn’t relevant.
The best part is, the people who see your ads on other relevant sites will already know who you are and what you can offer them.
Why? Because that’s how remarketing works.
You target people who have already visited your site, made an action on your site, or abandoned a specific page, which means they have already metaphorically walked into your digital store and taken a look around.
This means potential candidates are more likely to click on your ad because they know who you are.
2. Consideration
The next part of the process is consideration.
This is where you need to convince potential candidates that your job is the job they should apply to - not anyone else’s.
What Do Jobseekers Do During This Stage?
During this stage of the process, candidates will be using tools like social media to get a more transparent insight into the companies they’re applying for jobs with.
As well as checking out brand Facebook pages and Twitter for real-person testimonials, they’ll be asking around on their social networks to see if their friends and family have any inside info.
How to Implement Remarketing During the Consideration Stage
As well as on the Google ads network, remarketing also works incredibly well on Facebook.
Because potential candidates will be spending time on their social networks, you can use remarketing to target them where they’re already hanging out.
The great thing about remarketing on Facebook is you can get really specific with who you’re targeting and what you’re targeting them with.
So, for example, you can target people who have visited a specific page on your website (like a specific job ad), or have undertaken a specific action on your website (like uploaded their CV or signed up for job alerts).
There are two ways you can fully make the most of this stage of the process:
Social media remarketing - so, when potential candidates leave your site they are greeted by ads that direct them back when they go to social media to dig deeper into the job and company.
Mobile remarketing - people are spending more and more time on mobile devices, so you can opt to serve up your ads while they’re browsing on their phones or while they’re using a specific app.
3. Action
The final part of the recruitment process is the action stage - when people are actively applying for jobs.
By this point, they’re aware of the jobs that are out there and have done their research into companies and the positions on offer.
What Do Jobseekers Do During This Stage?
At this point in the process, candidates are ready to make their decision and apply for the jobs they think are a good fit for them and that they’re a good fit for, too.
They conduct detailed research on organisations and form their own opinions of what it would be like to work in the advertised position.
How to Implement Remarketing During the Action Stage
This is the part where you can get really focused on your remarketing campaign.
Use the data you’ve gathered from users who visit your site to serve really specific ads to them.
You can do this based on the industries they’re interested in (by segmenting your list by the ads and pages people have visited), and the actions they’ve taken before.
For example, if someone has already uploaded a CV to your site, it’s likely they are in the action stage of the process and are ready to apply to jobs.
You can then specifically target people who are ready and raring to apply and serve them ads that are relevant to the industries they’re interested in.
Final Thoughts
Knowing what the three stages of the recruitment process are (orientation, consideration, and action) means you can actively implement remarketing in a way that ties in with potential candidates’ needs during those phases.
By tapping into what they want and need, they’re more likely to apply to your jobs which, in turn, means you’ll end up getting the best applicants for each position.
Sounds good, right?
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