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3 min read | 2 min watchRecruitment marketing | Video | Vlog
No one cares about your recruitment agency
Sorry to break this to you, but.
No one cares about your recruitment agency.
Watch the video, because who needs to even read anymore?
And when it comes to your website – people care even less.
A lot of agencies think they need to throw the kitchen sink at their website…
We need high impact visuals, some video, social sharing, illustrations, the jobs search, and all this content… all this content about you.
And that’s great, all those things, great.
But the “Let me tell you about me” approach doesn’t really cut it anymore.
No one is interested in reading about how you worked in Biotech in Asia for 5 years before starting up on your own and taking half your clients with you.
I’m happy for you, that’s great, but that’s not what the user is there for.
You’re often so close to your business, your agency, it becomes hard to look at the bigger picture.
What’s the purpose of your website? What is the main goal? Why is someone investing their time with you?
If we focus on the candidate experience – that user couldn’t care less about your story.
That candidate cares about them. They are the hero in their own story.
When we look at clarifying your messaging, we need to show your agency as the guide, in that candidate’s own story.
They’re approaching a life-changing milestone, they have their own struggles and challenges, and they, for whatever reason, are looking to progress their career.
They need you to show them a path, a plan, to success.
When it comes to conveying this in your messaging and your website – the less we talk about you, the better.
The more we strip out the unnecessary, the better.
It’s your job to make it clear, and easy, to find that path to success.
When the user first lands on the site, you have just seconds for them to make a judgement.
They need to very quickly understand three things:
• What do you do?
• How it helps them?
• And how they can take action?
Go and have a look at your recruitment website now and ask yourself those questions…
If you can convey this to your users in the first few seconds of hitting your website, your conversions are going to increase.
Cut through the clutter, trim back the noise, and focus on the core purpose.
They’ll start caring a lot more about you if they understand, how you, can help them.
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